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2 October 2018

How does Invisalign treatment work?

Are you one of the millions of adults in the UK who are unhappy, self-conscious and embarrassed about your smile? Many people, unfortunately,…

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26 June 2018

World Dental Congress – 3 teeth care takeaways from Copenhagen

Outstanding orthodontists and world-class smile surgeons winged their way to wonderful Copenhagen for the the 2018 European Congress on Dentistry and Oral Health…

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30 May 2018

3 ideal reasons to have your teeth whitened

For many people, a smile lies at the centre of your welcome to strangers, beating handshakes or a continental peck on the cheek.…

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23 April 2018

Missing teeth spoiling your smile?

Dental Implants could be the solution. On average, British people have 6.97 missing teeth — and older people tend to have poorer dental…

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29 March 2018

Invisalign – 4 fantastic benefits of the Invisalign treatment

Some of the clients we receive never had braces when they were teenagers. Instead, they’ve made do with crooked teeth for the majority…

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26 February 2018

Flash that smile – 5 cosmetic hotspots your dentist can enhance

With a new consumer survey revealing two-fifths of Brits are unhappy with their teeth, it’s little wonder people are curious about cosmetic dental…

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A five-star experience

We are proud to help our valued patients to transform their smiles through a wide choice of general and cosmetic dental treatments.

Our Treatments

General Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Straightening

Dental Implants

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General Dentistry

Happy smiles. Great results.

We ensure an exceptional patient journey – from start to finish.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

A passion for perfection

Delivering life-changing smiles and ensuring excellent dental health.

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Cosmetic Treatments


Invisalign® smile design

Digitally enhanced. Naturally worn.

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Dental Implants

The perfect match!

Dental implants and us – together we can recreate a naturally beautiful smile.

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